Letter to Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
Snowden, Muriel S. (Muriel Sutherland), 1916- (Author)
Date created
January 08, 1958
Type of resource
Digital origin
reformatted digital
Letter written by Muriel S. Snowden to Martin Luther King, Jr. inviting him to an informal reception to be held in his honor at the Freedom House.
Related item
Letter to Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
Freedom House, Inc. records (M16)
Freedom House, Inc. records (M16)
Subjects and keywords
African American women civic leaders -- Massachusetts -- Boston
African American social reformers -- Massachusetts -- Boston
Community centers -- Massachusetts -- Boston
Meetings -- Massachusetts -- Boston
Nonprofit organizations -- Massachusetts -- Boston
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
Freedom House (Roxbury, Boston, Mass.)
African American social reformers -- Massachusetts -- Boston
Community centers -- Massachusetts -- Boston
Meetings -- Massachusetts -- Boston
Nonprofit organizations -- Massachusetts -- Boston
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
Freedom House (Roxbury, Boston, Mass.)
Permanent URL
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